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Greetings to everyone, As any other mother am sending a message because i don't wish any woman to be in the same shoes i was months back.Me and my husband had a perfect love story with our lovely kids not until he decided to move out of the house without any serious reason and chose to stay with his secretary, this was so horrible that it came out of nowhere. Matters became worse when he couldn't allow us to communicate which tortured me and always put me in tears. Through all the depressions and confusion I lost control over my emotions which resulted in losing my job because I couldn't concentrate but instead overreacting on minor issues. I tried getting help but ended up wasting my time and more money not until when I went to church and opened up to my friend who reffed me to Mom Thandiwe and Baba Joseph who had helped her son to win a court case. For the last time, I decided to give it a try for the sake of my children and Love I still felt for him. I contacted Baba and told him all my problems, he promised to give me back my good-life and happy family again. he asked me to send her information about my husband which we used in making prayers. With in days, I found missed calls of him which surprised me and made me so happy. I sent him a callback and he called immediately starting with apologizing and yearning for us to be family again. I forgave him since already Baba had showed me the whole story in his mirror how the other woman was using bad muthi on him and since then our lives are progressing both financially and our relationship is so perfect than before. I am so proud of what Baba did for me and also recommend anyone with a related problem, You can call or text him on whats-app +27630699577 his personal number.